It seems that for some time now, photography has become a general, trendy, favorite pastime. Everyone loves taking photos, in a more or less professional manner. This trend is of no surprise if one takes into consideration two major aspects:

Nowadays, photo cameras are part of any low to high-end electronic gadget, especially mobile phones, which have become a natural extension of the human hand

The increase in popularity of social networking websites, which give users the possibility to share tons of photos.

But let’s not extend the field to every camera being produced today and stick to the “real”, classic, specially built ones. When thinking of photo cameras, anyone’s mind automatically returns two results: Canon and Nikon, the two biggest manufacturers of photo cameras and attachments. And of course, where there are two producers, there are hoards of die-hard fans fighting for their favorite. Photography equipment is no exception. Tons of both Canon and Nikon fans are arguing, have been doing so and there is no sign that the rivalry will come to a peaceful end any time soon. There is of course a number of “rebels” who prefer neither of these two and go rather for such companies as Sony, Pentax, Olympus, Panasonic, Fujifilm etc. For the moment though, let’s just look at the two giants referenced above. Canon has been around for the better part of a century now, having been founded in 1937 in Japan. This gives them huge experience in the market. They are currently producing cameras for every taste and experience level, from low-end compact cameras to expensive, professional equipment. They are praised for their easy to operate products and easily interchangeable attachments. On the other hand, Nikon started its activity in 1917, also in Japan. This gave the company 20 years head start on its direct competitor. Just like Canon, they also have a great range of products, from small to large, for users ranging from beginner to professional. Nikon excels in offering excellent optical features and generally, lower prices for their equipment. Both these companies are huge corporations, with the history, experience, manpower and of course financial backup to offer great products. And they do. Therefore, it really comes down to personal preference. There is however a downside. Every rose has its thorns and neither Canon, nor Nikon are exceptions.

Better Brand = Better Quality?

Lately, there has been a gradually increasing trend amongst the biggest manufacturing companies in the world, which have slowly become victims of their own success. Each riding on its own wave, most of these giants have begun lowering the quality of their products, but keeping prices high. This trend is an attempt to capitalize more and more on the brand, rather than the actual product. I’m sure you’ve heard of paying more for the label than the goods. Well, Canon and Nikon are, unfortunately, no exception. Their prices have gone up, either because of more expensive labor or prime materials or the ever popular economic crunch. Quality, however, has been left wanting. While striving to offer great high-end, professional equipment to experienced users, they seem to have forgotten the lower to middle type of customer. People like you and me. If this trend continues, we might see a change of heart and preference even for the most dedicated fans, who will in the end give up their fetish for the sake of quality-to-price ratio.