Sadly, the NX will not be released this year, nor will there be a showing at E3. But that doesn’t mean we’re not receiving information.

Many rumors were debunked after Emily Rogers, a reliable source when it comes to Nintendo information, came back from a voluntary leave of absence. One major rumor that makes Rogers laugh is the NX controller. The NX controller will have a screen – whether it is optional or standard is the real question. You will be able to use the controller anywhere.

She made a post addressing many rumors and specs about the NX. Here are a few noteworthy details:

In a single year, the NX will build a larger library of games than Wii U produced in three or four years The big fundamental focal point (and overall goal) behind NX is to vastly increase the software output from Nintendo’s first party teams and studios To accomplish this, the entire process of how Nintendo develops and produces software has gone through radical changes There is a new strategy that was put in place to create and release first party software at a faster rate Multiple unannounced Wii U projects were moved over to NX The NX could potentially see the highest output of first party software in the company’s history NX definitely won’t suffer from three month droughts like Wii U did, at least not when it comes to first party software

Most likely the showing of the NX will come through the Nintendo Direct broadcast; we’ll definitely be giving you the latest on the new updates as more info is released.